About CPUP
Background and Goals of CPUP
The Coalition of Pacificans for an Updated Plan and Responsible Planning (CPUP) is a group of Pacificans who came together in 2020 in response to a pattern of unsustainable development allowed by the City. CPUP is a coalition of Pacificans from across the city who care about safe, responsible planning. We want our representative to make decisions backed by thorough and unbiased environmental and safety reviews, in compliance with environmental law. We seek to build an informed community by providing resources and technical support. CPUP also aims to work with the City in crafting an updated General Plan that is based on current science and environmental standards, and which provides clear and consistent guidelines for development decisions to ensure that new construction benefits all Pacificans.
CPUP is a plaintiff in a lawsuit regarding the recently approved Vista Mar project on Monterey Road based on the fact that the 1980 General Plan is fatally outdated, inadequate, and inconsistent. A legal victory on this case would provide precedence for other projects in Pacifica that raise similar issues relating to the Safety and Conservation elements of the General Plan.
What are the goals of CPUP’s General Plan legal challenge?
There are development decisions currently being made in Pacifica that are inconsistent with the Municipal Code, in conflict with other regulatory agencies, or that disregard environmental law. The lack of update made it impossible to apply current data, city resources, and planning standards to a proposed development. Given the state mandate for significantly increased housing, the General Plan potentially puts the City and the safety and well-being of its residents in jeopardy.
Until the General Plan is updated to comply with legal requirements, the City may not approve the Vista Mar Project. A ruling in CPUP’s favor would be "collateral estoppel" or legal precedence for other projects that raise the same issues relating to the Safety and Conservation elements of the General Plan. See San Remo Hotel v. San Francisco 545 U.S. 323 (2005). With Pacifica compelled to come into compliance with laws regarding the General Plan, they will have to commit to a process that results in the amendment and adoption of a new plan, recirculated for citizen participation, revision and eventual approval. The new General Plan would reflect the current state of climate change, city resources, environmental laws, and more effectively direct the expansion of genuinely beneficial affordable housing.
Who pays?
As the City Planning Commission and City Council have ignored our appeals, litigation is the only avenue to hold the City accountable. Community members contribute to the CPUP legal fund to review and challenge city decisions. CPUP is asking you to donate and be a critical part of this important work. Per state law and indemnity agreements with the project sponsor, the City of Pacifica will not be responsible for these legal fees.
CPUP is a project of Pacifica's Environmental Family, a 501(c)(3) volunteer-run non-profit. All donations to CPUP are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.