Higgins Way
There are two proposed developments off Higgins Way:
Linda Mar Woods, east of Higgins Way up on the ridge line locally known as “Boy Scouts.” This huge project proposes 125 mixed housing types on 58.3 acres on a sensitive environmental site in a Very High Fire Severity Zone and with a history of landslides. The project as currently designed does not comply with the Hillside Preservation Ordinance (HPD).
Hillside Meadows at Adobe and Higgins Way, 18 new single family homes with ADUs on 6.8 acres. This would require rezoning.
This area has been an established hiking and mountain biking area for many years. Many coastside visitors access the mountain through the old coast highway turned tail and bring tourist dollars to Pacifica. As proposed, these developments would have irreparable harm on the environment and wildlife who live on San Pedro mountain.
For additional information about these proposed developments, go to https://www.protectsanpedromountain.org.
The Higgins Way development application shows:
Only one access road – Higgins Way
56 home sites requiring Higgins Way to be extended in a loop above the existing Old Coast road/trail.
How will you be impacted by:
• Widening Higgins from 22 to 32 feet?
• Added daily traffic from the 56 proposed new homes?
• Dirt, dust, noise, soil slippage from heavy equipment needed for new road building, future grading, sewer build-out, fire-break and home construction?
Grading a new Higgins Way above the old coast road will require about 3,200 lineal feet of retaining walls above and/or below the road that are estimated to be up to 30 feet high. The plan removes approximately 78,100 cubic yards of dirt from the site (possibly 6,500 dump truck loads). Grading required for the construction of homes is still unknown.
City of Pacifica application materials including current drawings and preliminary environmental review can be found here.